Quantum Healing and Transformation
a multidisciplinary approach to self-discovery, healing and empowerment
life and career coaching, consciousness/spiritual coaching, past life regression, spirit chat, Reiki energy healing and crystal hypnotherapy
quantum healing and transformation
Everything is Energy
The concept of quantum healing and transformation is based on the principles of quantum physics, which suggests that everything is connected and everything is energy, and how we interact with that energy—both consciously in our minds and as reactions in our bodies—plays a key role in how we experience life, including our well-being.
When we understand the true nature of reality, our ability to rise above our fears, heal our bodies, create change and manifest the lives we want to live becomes infinitely easier. Abundance of all kinds is our birthright. With quantum understanding and metaphysical practices, we can align with that. I offer tools, techniques and classes to support individuals, teams and businesses achieve just that.
To provide the best outcome in each session, I collaborate with each client to select the modalities that best address individual needs, concerns and desired results. This may include coaching, past life regression, hypnotherapy and energy healing or any combination thereof.
- With coaching I combine traditional methods of coaching with metaphysical tools, principles and practices. Coaching as a stand-alone modality is designed to offer clarity, healing, structure, guidance and often accountability for those who may not be quite sure how to make the changes they want to make or who struggle with staying on track.
- Past life regression can be an utterly transformative experience that helps clients overcome issues within themselves and with others, especially those that are resistant to other means of resolution. Experiencing the connective nature of all lives and key relationships can provide a means of new understanding, deep healing and forgiveness.
- "Spirit Chat" provides a means for you to have a personal, direct conversation with Spirit including your guides, angels, ascended masters, ancient ones, loved ones who have passed, light beings and/or other interdimensional beings.
- With hypnotherapy, clients in a deep state of relaxation can address a variety of issues they may have trouble consciously resolving including changing unwanted habits, overcoming past traumas or fears with or without known causes. Clients may also become more confident and less anxious as well as find new ways to cope with chronic pain.
- With Reiki energy healing, clients may experience an opening of energetic and emotional blockages as well as physical healing. As a Reiki practitioner, I channel healing energy that is transferred to the client, moving the energy through the client's body.
- These modalities, whether done stand-alone or in combination, are designed to empower each person to tap into their own unlimited power and potential and take ownership of the life they want to create.
make an appointment
Collaborate with Me
In person: Forever And A Day Woodstock, GA
Free Consultation
- Tues, Sat, Sun 11 am - 6 pm and by special appointment Wed, Thur, Fri
- Schedule an appointment with me at Forever And A Day
- $150 per hour. Past life regression requires minimum 2 hours (+$100 for the extra hour); coaching packages and hypnotherapy programs available
In person: Canton, GA area or live via phone or web Free Consultation
- Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri 8 am - 8 pm
- To schedule an appointment call/text 678.381.6084 or email karen@metomore.com
- $150 per hour. Past life regression requires minimum 2 hours (+$100 for the extra hour); coaching packages and hypnotherapy programs available
In person: At your location (may incur travel costs) Free Consultation
- Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri 8 am - 8 pm
- To schedule an appointment call/text 678.381.6084 or email karen@metomore.com
- $150 per hour. Past life regression requires minimum 2 hours (+$100 for the extra hour); coaching packages and hypnotherapy programs available
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